american POW on canadian RDI TV right now

redifusinig iraqui tv.

a group of 5 soldiers (so far shown) including one woman from texas
also, canadian media reporting heavy casualites on coalition forces in southern iraq.
it is all happenening in the city of nasiriyya, reportedly <liberated> a few days ago.

From CBC

Coalition casualties in An Nasiriyah
Last Updated Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:04:35
NASIRIYAH, IRAQ - U.S. Marines have suffered casualties in the battle for An Nasiriyah, a major crossing point over the Euphrates River.

Blasts of gunfire have been reported Sunday in the area, which is located northwest of Basra. Reports say the marines were ambushed as they entered the area.

It's not known how many soldiers were injured.

U.S. Central Command in Qatar had said Saturday the southern city was captured and started moving long columns of military supply vehicles through the area.

Iraq's information minister denied reports the city had been captured, saying Iraqi troops were battling coalition forces.
US forces suffer casualties
Advancing American forces have suffered several casualties, with some troops being taken prisoner, as they push towards Baghdad.
They say they are meeting tougher than expected resistance and have suffered four dead and 50 wounded in more than eight hours of fighting around Nasiriya.

Iraqi TV has also been broadcasting pictures of what it says are several American prisoners.

US troops and armour are pushing north from the southern city of Basra and say they have reached the holy town of Najaf, just 160 kilometres (100 miles) from Baghdad.

But other American units are still engaged further south in fierce fighting.

More than 5,000 US Marines are battling at least 500 defending Iraqis for control of the main route through Nasiriya on the Euphrates river.
RDI, (canadian tv from montreal) I think it can be seen on satellite.

Lots of reports, especially this morning, you cant see anywhere else.

I wanted to write down the names of captured soldiers but I wasn't quick enough.

RDI jurnalists from the golf also reporting of at least 3 coalition jets detroyed last night/this morning.

Pictures of dead coalition soldiers and destroyed tanks in the south comming from two locations.
Just watching Al-Jazeera. Terrible pictures. This shows how stupid is to war. I hope they show those tapes also in USA.

Most POW were from Texas, one from New Jersey.

Jazz, done

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don - thank you, but I would ask you to reconsider posting names of any of the soldiers on that videotape shown on Al Jazeera. For the small part that we could do, please allow the military to confirm and contact the families if indeed the video is valid, as is apparently the case. The families may find this out anyway from some other Internet source, but on the greatest of improbabilities, please don't allow them to read the names here.

Fox is so far refusing to show the tape. Apparently the 5 POWs were being interrogated in a makeshift morgue with the bodies of I believe 4 other American soldiers being shown, apparently ALL of them shot in the head execution-style. One of the surviving POWS is a woman. On the tape, a widely-grinning Iraqi is shown showing off the body of one of the Americans.

I would thank you greatly not to do so.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Faceless: any chance you could edit out that name, please?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funny how we are the only one's in the world expected to live up to the Geneva convetion.
good point jazz.

right now they are building a legit discussion on rdi.

if those tapes of us soldiers are in violation of geneva conventions, than tapes of iraqui pow shown last few days on cnn is a geneva violation as well.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't watch CNN except briefly - I doubt those pictures showed what that tape showed, but I'd prefer not to get into a discussion of the 2 incidents in comparison, except that being apparently shot in the head after capture (I don't know that for sure) is somewhat worse than whatever could have been shown on CNN.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by don marco:
good point jazz.

right now they are building a legit discussion on rdi.

if those tapes of us soldiers are in violation of geneva conventions, than tapes of iraqui pow shown last few days on cnn is a geneva violation as well.


Jesus, we go ridiculously out of our way to stay in step with the Geneva convention. I don't know what video you are talking about but I'm sure it doesn't compare even remotely with a bullet in the back of the head and parading tortured 20 year-olds on TV for propaganda. Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to be comparing that with handcuffing someone.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Surrenduring and willfulluy surrenduring (French like) are 2 different things, the comparison is ludicrous.

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